Car Insurance Claim Process – A Step By Step Guide

Car Insurance Claim Process – The claim procedure is an important element of a car Insurance policy. A claim refers to a request which a policyholder makes to his/her car Insurance company for the reimbursement of the loss suffered by his/her.

Mandatory Documents For Car Insurance Claim Process

Following documents are compulsorily required at the time of making a car Insurance claim procedure:

  1. Car Insurance Policy details – It is undeniably one of the basic requirements.
  2. Details of the insured vehicle – Pretty obvious!
  3. Insured person’s name – No the policy is valid without the insured person’s details and information about the vehicle insured.
  4. Registered contact numbers.
  5. Details of the vehicle against which four-wheeler Insurance has been purchased. This practically includes the make and model of the car.
  6. Nitty-gritty about the accident – Specifying the date and location of the accident needs to be spilled. You could also provide a brief description of how the accident had occurred.
  7. Stating the extent of loss undergone.
  8. Claim against car policy cannot be processed if the garage details like location and number are not provided.

Accidents are unforeseen. Damages caused are even more difficult to cope up with. Why not? After all, that car of yours is not just an asset but a ritzy buy too. Settling for cheap car Insurance is certainly not a strict ‘No-No’. However, it is crucial to keep an eye on the coverage offered.

Requesting for car Insurance claims is not a hard nut to crack. It is however important to keep the correct set of documents in hands. Wondering which of the documents should you keep handy? Let’s read through.

What are the documents required for car accident Insurance claim?

  1. Car Insurance policy paper or a copy of the cover note.
  2. Driving License of the person behind the wheels.
  3. RC or registration certificate of the insured vehicle.
  4. A valid claim intimation form.

**You must know that some insurers prefer to go down the paperless route. In such a case, intimating about the mishap on call is enough to start with the car Insurance claim process.**

1. Proof of identification – Aadhar card and PAN card details of the insured person.
2. Estimate of repair to be provided if asked.

All of the above documents must be provided while requesting a claim against the selected car Insurance type. However, if the insured person chooses to get the vehicle repaired at a non-cashless garage or service center, additional documents must be provided during the claim reimbursement process.

What do they include?

  1. Proper invoice of repair.
  2. Receipt of payment.
  3. A valid cancelled cheque.

Car insurance claim tips

Just as your driving license is compulsory for you to drive your car, a valid car Insurance policy is also essential. Buying car Insurance and renewing year on year proves beneficial when you get to make a claim on the policy in any accidents when your car suffers damages.

While buying a car Insurance policy is simple, making a valid claim on the same is a harrowing experience for many. A lack of knowledge, the technicalities involved and panic causes the claim filing process a nightmare for many of us.

Through this article I intend to unravel the technical mysteries of a car Insurance claim and also make my readers knowledgeable enough so that they can file their claims properly and with ease.

Collect the relevant information – If your car has been hit by someone else’s car, collect the other car’s number plate and the driver’s information (if he has not run away!). This would help you decide whether to make a claim on your coverage (if you have a comprehensive coverage plan) or on the other’s Insurance coverage.

Even if you damaged your car accidently without any other car in the picture, assess the extent of the damage incurred.

Determine the nature of your claim – When a third party is involved in the accident, you have two options – you can either raise a third party claim on the other party’s Insurance coverage or you can raise a claim in your own policy (only if you have comprehensive coverage).

The best course of action would be to raise a claim on the other party’s policy so that the No Claim Bonus in your policy would not be harmed and you can continue receiving premium discounts in subsequent years. If you yourself are responsible for damaging your car, you have no choice but to raise a claim on your coverage itself.

Assess the course of action you would take.

Inform the insurer – The next and the most important step is to inform your insurer about the accident and the consequent claim if you are raising a claim on your own policy. Insurers have a

File a police report – A FIR is necessary if there is another party involved in the accident and you raise a third party claim on their policy. The insurer would insist on the submission of a FIR to process your claims. So, inform the police and file the FIR so that the claim is processed smoothly.

Obtain a No-Trace Certificate from the police – This is relevant only in case of a theft when your car is stolen. After filing the FIR, you would need the No-Trace Certificate which would be issued by the police authorities stating that the vehicle stolen could not be traced. This document is essential in getting the claim settled if your car is stolen.

Raise the claim – Whether a third party claim or your own damage claim, raise your claim and submit the required documents to the Insurance company. If your documents are complete, your claim would be settled.

Procedure to claim vehicle insurance – A Step By Step Guide For Claims

Car Insurance claim for damages to your own car

First and foremost, please intimate the Insurance company about the accident on their toll free

no./email at the earliest. You will have to submit a duly filled in claim form along with the requisite documents to the Insurance company and take your car to the workshop and get an estimate of the damaged vehicle. The forms are available on the insurers’ websites as well as at their offices. The

Insurance company will send a surveyor to assess the damages. The surveyor will prepare a report and pass it on to the insurer and you will also receive a copy. Based on the surveyor’s report, you can get your car repaired.

After the work is completed, you will have to give the surveyor the duly signed repair invoice and payment receipt and other documents, who in turn will send it to the Insurance company.

If all the documents are in place, the Insurance company provide a Delivery Order (DO) in case of cashless and you can take your car after paying your share of expenses to the workshop.

In case of reimbursement you can make the payment to the workshop and take your car and the amount will be reimbursed in your account basis the terms and conditions of the policy.

Remember that the Insurance company will not reimburse your bills if you do not submit them immediately after your car is released from the garage. So you cannot keep the small bills and hope to submit them at the end of the year.

Car Insurance claim process for a third party claim

If a third party has sent you a legal notice asking for a claim, do not communicate with the party

before informing your Insurance company. Also remember not to make any financial commitments or out-of-court settlements before speaking to your insurer first.

Submit a copy of the notice to your insurer.

You will also have to submit copies of the RC book of the car, the driving licence and the FIR.

The insurer will verify the documents and assess the accident and if found satisfactory, you will get a lawyer appointed by them.

If the court directs you to pay the damages to the third party thereafter, the Insurance company will directly pay the dues to the third party.

Car Insurance claim process for a stolen car

First of all, file a complaint with the police and lodge an FIR. Submit a copy of the FIR to the Insurance company.

Once you receive the final police report(Non traceable report stamped by court), make a copy of it and submit it to your Insurance provider.

The Insurance company will assign an investigator. Cooperate with the investigator. Wait for the claim to be approved.

Once that is done, submit the RC book of your stolen car to the Insurance company. The name of the owner will then be changed to the insurer’s name.

Submit the duplicate keys of the car and also a subrogation letter. You will also need to submit a notarized indemnity on a stamp paper.

Once all the formalities are completed, the Insurance company will disburse the claim.

All Insurance providers these days have a very good customer support network and so you must communicate with your insurer whenever there is a need. If you have any doubts regarding the claims, get them sorted beforehand so that your car Insurance claim process goes smoothly at the time of a need.

Keep the points mentioned above in mind and your job of filing and receiving a car Insurance claim will become a lot simpler.

Procedure to claim insurance for car accident

To get the maximum benefits from your car Insurance policy, inform about the accident and the intensity of the damage immediately to your car Insurance company and of course, to the police.

If your Insurance company finds your claim to be genuine, they will reimburse the amount after inspecting your vehicle or other aspects. Here are some steps to help you claim for your damages successfully –

Step 1: Inform The Insurance Company

Call your car Insurance company immediately and intimate them about the incident in the first place. As the timeline is restricted, within the seven working days, you need to inform the insurer regarding the accident, failing which your claim settlement period is considered lapsed.

To raise a claim, you need to submit vital documents like softcopies of your driving license, car registration certificate, FIR along with the first two pages of your Insurance policy. You might also need a detailed letter addressed to the Road Transport Office (RTO).

Step 2: Lodge An FIR In The Nearest Police Station

Inform the police and file an FIR as this is a mandatory step in the car claim settlement process in events like theft, fire, or road accident, including the third party damage. The FIR can be avoided in situations where there are dents and scratches on the vehicle.

It is a must when there is any physical injury or third party accidents. The police will visit the spot to identify the faults and make a clear distinction of whether the accident happened due to mechanical failure or not. It will also record all the essential details of the driver, the vehicle, passengers, and witnesses or other aspects in the FIR.

Additionally, you need to file a case to the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal having jurisdiction area where the accident happened between you and the third party. It is only required when a third party is involved in an accident.

Step 3: Capture Photographs As Valid Proof

Some people prefer to proceed with a reimbursement claim. In these type of cases capturing the scene of the events with a photograph can be helpful. You can snap a few pictures of the accident which involve your car damages, bodily injuries etc., and serve as valid proof during claim settlement. 

Besides, you can note down the name, contact number of your witnesses, third party (if any involved) so that it can help you in the entire procedure.

Step 4: Submit All The Documents To The Insurer

The next step after the FIR is to proceed towards claim settlement. It can only be initiated once you submit all the crucial document to the Insurance company. Make sure to submit all the copies of documents like driving licence, car registration certificate, FIR, and other required information.

Step 5: Ask The Insurance Company To Send A Surveyor

File a claim from your Insurance company and ask them to assign you with a surveyor, to begin with, a thorough inspection process. You can also raise the claim online by visiting the website or other web portals of the Insurance company if they provide any such facility.

In case of a cashless claim settlement, a representative will be sent by the Insurance folks who will try to asses all the significant damage that has been incurred to your car. He will assist with the right network of the garage where your car can probably be towed down.

Towing by the Insurance company will be done to ensure that there are no further damages on the vehicle. The survey typically takes places within one-two working day of the car Insurance claim intimation.

Step 6: Car Repairs

Get you car repaired and initiate the claim process. The claim settlement can be done in two processes. If someone prefers a cashless claim, then they do not require to bear the burden of repairing cost. In such cases, it is recommended to take the vehicle in the list of network garages prescribed by the Insurance company.

The policyholder only needs to pay for deductibles and the rest is covered by the insurer. On the other hand, if someone proceeds with reimbursement claim, he/she needs to pay from his own pocket for all the damages. In this case, he must submit original bills, receipts, medical reports, photographs, the Insurance company.

The insurer will reimburse all the repair amount after subtracting all the deductibles. Here the policyholder can repair his car at the preferred garage.

After it finds your claim to be genuine, your car Insurance company will reimburse the amount as per the terms and conditions mentioned in your Insurance cover. The amount to be reimbursed and the events to be covered would also depend on the type of car Insurance policy you hold.

The third-party Insurance is mandatory in India according to the Motor Tariff Act 2002, and it will only incur the cost of damages owing to the involvement of a third party. The comprehensive car policy gives a broader coverage under a single umbrella, and you can also enhance it further with extended add-ons.

The process of claim settlement can be a little complicated, and therefore, it is suggested that policyholders should read the policy documents carefully, that the Insurance company sends. All inclusions and exclusions reports will be provided in detail. A third opinion from a lawyer can also be taken in this regard.

Points to Remember After A Car Accident to Raise A Claim

  • No matter how much you know about the claim process of your Insurance company. Some points are crucial after an accident or a mishap to keep in mind that ensures a hassle-free claim settlement process for you. Here are some points which you should remember after a car accident to make a successful claim:
    • Immediately check yourself and your car after an accident to confirm and determine whether any major bodily injuries or damage is sustained by you or the insured car. Based on the level of damage or injury, you can call for medical assistance or any other support.
    • Raise the claim for damage within a stipulated time set by your Insurance provider, which is generally within 24 hours of the accident. Delay in raising a claim can lead to its rejection.
    • Try to note down the registration number of the car, make, model and variant of the car, and/or colour of the car that is involved in the collision or accident to catch the culprit or raise the claim in a better and successful manner.
    • Conversate with the eye witnesses who were present at the location of the accident and note down their names and contact details so you can get in touch with them in the future to confirm the person or persons responsible for the mishap or the accident.
    • In case you find that accidental damage caused to the insured car is minor, in such a case, you can avoid raising a claim to secure your no claim bonus. You should assess this type of situation at the earliest and take immediate action accordingly.
    • You should not get involved in any type of brawl after the accident with a third party person. Doing so can create unnecessary trouble for you in the future.
    • Do not make any statement or share any information with the police or your Insurance company if you are not sure about it or unless you are not confirmed about your next steps.
    • Move your insured car away from the spot of the accident spot to get it repaired or for any related purpose only after getting permission from the police and your Insurance provider.
    • Keep all the required documents handy as you may have to submit several documents before the Insurance company for the settlement of the claim with the duly filled and signed claim form. You may also need to produce some documents before the surveyor during the inspection of your car.
    • If your Insurance company provides the cashless claim facility, in such a case, you can take your car to a network garage for repair where you can get it repaired without paying anything from your pocket. In such situations, the garage will be paid for directly by your insurer.

How long does a car Insurance claim take to settle?

Some car accident Insurance claims are settled relatively quickly, while others can drag on for quite a while. There are many factors affecting the duration of an Insurance claim, so it is difficult to say how long it will take to reach a settlement.

You also have to consider the fact that Insurance companies are actively trying to avoid paying out fair compensation.

There are several factors that affect how long it takes to settle your car accident claim, including the following:

  • The cooperation of the Insurance company
  • The injuries suffered
  • Recovery time
  • Legal or administrative problems


  1. Car Insurance claim charges

The amount for deductible expenses is specified at the time of buying a policy. It is a portion of the claim amount that the policyholder has to bear from his own pocket. When it comes to file a claim, the deductible expenses, depreciation etc. is subtracted from the total amount and then the remaining balance is payable.

It is not that necessary to file a claim that sums up more or less, close to the deductible expenses.

  1. How many claims are allowed in car Insurance

Generally, there are no restrictions on the number of claims you can make under the car Insurance policy in a year. However, one should remember that the car Insurance claim affects the NCB (No Claim Bonus). Repeated claims in a year may also increase the premium when you renew the policy.

However, suppose you have opted for a Zero Depreciation cover for the car Insurance plan, there may be restrictions on the number of claims you can make in a year under the Zero Depreciation cover. The number of claims allowed under this cover varies from one insurer to another.

  1. How do car Insurance claims work

An Insurance claim is a request to access your benefits. If you are in an accident and you want your Insurance company to pay for your damages, you will have to file a claim with them. To file a claim, you will need the following information:

  • Names of everyone involved.
  • Your Insurance policy number.
  • The other driver’s Insurance information.
  • Details of the accident.
  • A copy of the police report.
  1. What to do when your Insurance company denies your claim

Can an Insurance company deny a claim? Yes, they can and do deny claims on a regular basis. If you are caught in the unfortunate situation of having to file an auto claim, you want to be sure that you’re getting the fairest settlement from your Insurance company. If a claim seems wrongly denied, you may need to take action to determine if there’s any way the decision can be reversed or reconsidered.

A good first step is reading the fine print of your policy — this may help shed light on how your insurer pays for claims. If your claim was completely denied, you can review your policy to see exactly what was denied and why. 

Receiving a denial decision doesn’t have to be the end of your case. If you’ve reviewed your policy and you genuinely feel that you’ve been dealt with unjustly, there may be steps you can take to work with your insurer to reach a decision that both you and the company are happy with. Let’s take a closer look at how that might work.

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